
Residentuurikunsnik Meg Robinson kutsub avatud stuudiosse teisipäeval, 27. augustil kell 18:00 Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseumis.

Külastajatele tutvustab Meg oma residentuuri jooksul valmivat tööd neljas eri sektsioonis töö kulgemise etappide järgi. Iseenda juurte ja ümberjuurutamise kohta räägib ta oma isikliku teekonna põhjal balti-juudi juurte taasleidmisel.

KUNSTNIKUST: Meg on kunstnik nii pika reisikogemusega, et raske on täpselt öelda, kus ta pärit on. Šotimaal sündinud ja viimased aastad päikselises Hispaanias veetnud naisel on esivanemaid ka iiraste, leedukate, taanlaste ja juutide seast. Megi residentuur Tartus ongi seotud tema päritolu uurimisega, sest viimasel ajal on ta proovinud selgust saada just oma leedu-juudi juurte kohta. Tartu on selleks sobivalt lähedal, aga samas annab võimaluse distantsilt reflekteerida ja dokumenteerida kogemusi ja infot.
Residentuuri jooksul tegeleb Meg projektiga „Muutuse näod“ ning maalib neli suuremõõdulist pilti. Enda sõnul ta „taasloob oma balti päritolu läbi seepiafotode, uurimistöö, metsastunud maa ja iidsete jõgede, rahvamuusika, puuskulptuuride ja arhitektuuri, et koostada uus ‘perepilt’.”

Meg Robinson: http://www.megrobinsonart.com

Meg viibib Tartus Tartu linnaresidentuuri programmi raames. Kunstiresidentuuri viib läbi Eesti Trüki- ja Paberimuuseum. Programmi rahastab Tartu linn ja Eesti Kultuurkapital. Rohkem infot projekti ning tulevate kunstnike kohta leiad lehelt residency.tartuensis.com

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Artist in residence, Meg, is inviting you to her open studio on Tuesday, August 27th at 6pm in Estonian Print and Paper Museum.

At this event Meg will introduce her ideas and progress considering her work during her residency. She will present the development of the theme of uprooted, rerooted and reinvented based on her personal exploration of her baltic-jewish ancestry.

ABOUT THE ARTIST: Meg is serious about her art and has somewhat successfully silenced her inner critic who kept telling her off. Now, she claims, they form more like a team. This achievement has taken Meg her whole life as she traveled in space from her childhood Scotland to the sunny Spain she now calls her home. But the travels also took place inside her mind as she came to discover and engage with her heritage that has elements from Irish to Lithuanian, Dutch and Jewish. An energetic, curious and colorful character, Meg Robinson is a visual artists who tells stories.
Her residency in Tartu is partially realized to support her research into her Lithuanian-Jewish origins, which she has been pursuing recently. Tartu is suitably close, yet offers a chance to reflect and document the experiences and information. To this extent, Meg will focus her residency on the project „Faces of change” creating four large scale drawings. In her own words, she will „reinvent her Baltic Litvak heritage, glimpsed and sensed in sepia photos, research, the forested land and its ancient rivers, folk music, wooden sculptures and village architecture, to create a new family ‘picture’. Another visual peace pilgrimage from loss to peace.”

Meg Robinson: http://www.megrobinsonart.com

Meg is in Tartu as part of the Tartu Artist in Residence program. The TAiR program is implemented by the Estonian Print and Paper Museum and financed by the City of Tartu and Estonia’s Cultural Endowment. For more information about the project and future artists, visit residency.tartuensis.com

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